Believe it or not, unmanaged stress plays a big part in lots of health problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, anxiety and depression. In fact, between 75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments.
We're fighting back and you can too! Gain insights into holistic lifestyle strategies to manage stress, anxiety and depression.
Become an AdvocateWe’re a non-profit organization that provides vital resources, tools and programs across the Caribbean and the United States to aid in the fight against unmanaged stress, anxiety and depression.
We directly address the root cause of stress, anxiety and depression rather than just treating the symptoms.
Our volunteering program, Stronger Together, helps us raise awareness by involving the community.
Strategic Partnerships with professionals who provide subsidies and your donations help fund programs.
Access to the right tools provide a way to move towards better, healthier and happier lifestyles. At any given time, there are about 350 million people worldwide suffering from stress related depression. Our targeted programs offer:
Practical, everyday solutions that address the social and economical needs of stressed individuals and communities.
Recovery Programs that address stress, anxiety, and depression by promoting lifestyle and behavioral changes
Continual activities that provide practical ways to strengthen the mind and body.
Holistic treatment strategies that help you uncover and overcome real-life stressful situations.
We provide a wealth of resources that are integral to the fight against stress and related illnesses.
Access Stress Management & Lifestyle blog articles on a wide range of topics
Access Videos and Livestreams with mental health experts and other inspirational features.
You can help us by spreading the word & sharing your story. You can also help by donating time, talent or money. Feel free to be creative – have a car wash, sell donuts, run a marathon, host a bingo night or do almost anything you can think of.